Thursday, March 10, 2016

Live life the way YOU think is perfect!

Life is hard, but we can make it easy by knowing some of the secrets of the great people who do great things. If you love yourself, you will love other people. A statement that you will learn to appreciate as you grow into your last day of life. Keep yourself focused and do your best to live to the best of what YOU feel is the best.

It has been studied that happier people tend to have better habits and less stress in theirs lives with health and abundance of energy. You can measure the value of your life by how much energy you have and how much energy is around you. You have to assist your body in having more energy by doing the things you know will help that happen. You have to free your mind of those extra mental messes that so many of us have. Some people are even hoarders in this regard!

Rights to this photo belong to Johnny Damron

Live the life you WISH you could live by starting today. Be your own idea of perfection not someone else's. Do all the things that make you the most happy and do them well. Use your now moments to set the tone for all the future achievements and experiences that you want. Know all those things that you want. If you don't know these things, get to know these things. Know all those things that you don't want. If you don't know these things, get to know these things even more than you know what you do want. 

At the end of the day it's energizing to live doing what you love and it's deadly to live a life that you hate. So you might as well struggle for the best rather than struggling for the basics. Tell me, which struggle is harder? Below are some cool links from HUFFPOST on how to live like a boss :)

Be sure to comment and subscribe for more!

...and remember...God has already blessed you with you. Get to know what you were made to be capable of. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010